Portfolio Showcase

Select academic and professional work.

Graduate Projects

virtual 4-4

The 4-4 Beat Project - Hip Hop Archive as Design Issue

Class: Independent Study

Advisor: Dr. Joycelyn Wilson

The purpose of this Independent Study is to continue exploring the ways in which a Hip Hop-inspired digital archive called The Four Four Beat Project presents unique opportunities to experience educational content through VR. To do so, the independent study frames the invention of this medium as a pedagogical design issue on two complementary platforms - web and VR.

FALL 2016
strangvr things

StrangVR Things

Class: Experimental TV Studio

Advisor: Dr. Janet Murray

A VR Prototype set in the universe of "Stranger Things". Our team worked on extending the experience of the TV Show by providing off-screen scenes as VR experiences, allowing the user to go through a piece of the story (Eleven's escape from the lab) that is not explicitly shown on screen.

FALL 2016

Environmental Pollution Visualization Machine

Class: Discovery & Invention in Digital Media

Advisor: Dr. Chris Le Dantec

As part of a 'hacking and tinkering' project, our team constructed a pollution visualization machine out of an Adruino, multi-channel gas sensor, dry ice, and an old computer fan. When the gas sensor detects one of several pollutants in the air, the computer fan activates and blows the dry ice 'fog' out of the bucket.


Professional Work

Undergraduate Projects

leap motion

Project Leapfall

Class: Senior Design Project

LeapFall is a 2D networked multiplayer free-fall racing game built using Unity3D. Players control a parachuting mole as it traverses through a cavernous maze. The game utilizes the Leap Motion hand controller and is implemented with the Leap SDK.


Music Mash - UI Design Project

Class: User Interface Design

The goal of this semester-long project was to investigate some computing-related task as part of a team. We then had to develop interface design alternatives for the task. Finally, we implemented a prototype and evaluated the design. This provided an end-to-end experience of the UX/UI Design process.